Great job fifth grade for being leaders and practicing the Falcon Five! Keep up the great work.
#FalconFive #PBIS #SMS #zings
5 days ago, Alexis Bove
Salisbury Cheer Fundraiser: Salisbury cheer will be running a Kendra Scott fundraiser from October 13-27th. Using the code GIVEBACK-HGAKF will give Salisbury cheer 20% of all sales (excluding the Disney line).
5 days ago, Sarah Oswald
Our SYA Cheerleaders are currently running an online clothing store until 10/13. The store consists of things that are just Salisbury, in addition to Salisbury Cheer items. The link is below.
5 days ago, Sarah Oswald
Salisbury Falcon Twirlers are hosting a fashion and flavor bingo on Sunday, November 10! See the flyer for more information on how to support our Falcon Twirlers!
5 days ago, Sarah Oswald
Keep up the good work 6th grade!! Redeeming zings for some fun items.
#PBIS #FalconFive #zings #SMS