Officer Richard Nothstein, SHS Resource Officer
610-791-4107 ext. 2523
Officer Richard Nothstein has been a Police Officer, since May of 1996. He has been employed with the Salisbury Township Police Department since November of 2001. In September of 2010, he was assigned to the position of School Resource Officer. This fall he starts his 15th year as a SRO for the Salisbury Township School District. During this time as an SRO, he has received basic, advanced, CPTED, and active shooter training through the National Association of School Resource Officers. In July of 2014 he was recognized as a National Practitioner for NASRO. Officer Nothstein is a school safety and security assessment provider through the PCCD, and has conducted School Safety Assessments for the schools located in the Salisbury Township School District. Over the past several years, he has helped conduct the Active Shooter training for the Salisbury Township School District. He has attended Active Shooter training, and is an instructor for CRASE through ALERRT, and ALICE training. Officer Nothstein has been a guest speaker in classes talking with students about law-related issues. During prom season Officer Nothstein, coordinates to bring driving simulators in and has students drive the S.I.D.N.E. cart (Simulated Impaired DriviNg Experience), that was obtained through a grant, which gives students the behind the wheel experience of distracted and impaired driving.

Officer Jason Laky, SMS Resource Officer
Officer Jason Laky has been serving the community as a Salisbury Township Police Officer since 1997. In 2003 he started the first canine unit for the police department and served as the department's handler for 16 years. During this time he worked three patrol/narcotics dogs including Zeus, Fonzie and Rocket. He then accepted the position of School Resource Officer for Salisbury Middle School starting in 2019. Officer Laky is a graduate of the Salisbury Township School District class of 1992. He is an instructor CRASE through ALERRT and ALICE training and also a state-certified emergency responder. He is the current Junior High Boys Basketball coach and Junior Varsity Boys Baseball coach, and also coaches the Salisbury Legion Baseball team consisting of High School players. In 2021 the Salisbury Legion Baseball team won the league championship and advanced to the Regional tournament in West Reading. He is also the Fall baseball coach for the Salisbury Senior Connie Mack team. He is thankful for the many opportunities through work and coaching that allow him to serve the residents of Salisbury Township and the Salisbury Township School District.