FERPA Notice for Continuity of Education

The Salisbury Township School District (the “District”) is committed to making a good faith effort to provide continuity of education, planned instruction, and appropriate and reasonable services for students while our District may be either operating fully or partially by virtual instruction due to COVID-19. 

While providing virtual instruction, instructors may be using live-stream video conferencing (“Synchronous Instruction”) with students in a group setting.  Other instructors may record their lessons (either with or without student participation) and later share these recordings to students assigned to their class (“Asynchronous Instruction”). 

The District has made reasonable efforts to ensure that both Synchronous and Asynchronous Instruction remains confidential and access is limited to students in the assigned groups. Student access to both Synchronous and Asynchronous Instruction shall only be through password-protected Google Classrooms, using District-provided Google accounts.  

Please be advised that through Synchronous and/or Asynchronous Instruction, students may be able to see other students on the video conference/recording. In addition, the District is unable to control who else may be in the room in which a student is receiving remote instruction, including but not limited to other family members, who may observe the session, including the other students in the virtual classroom. 

Therefore, all parents/guardians must review and implement the following guidelines to ensure the confidentiality rights of all students are protected during participation in virtual instruction:

1.  District students, parents, and any other person within the home at the time the student is receiving services remotely, are strictly prohibited from removing, recording, reposting, sharing, making or maintaining (other than on Google Classroom) any recording(s) and/or screen shots of the course content or classroom activity or other group communication that is conveyed via District virtual instruction without the prior written consent of the Principal.

2. Parents/guardians/caretakers shall make every effort to ensure that no one other than the student scheduled to participate in the virtual instruction can see or hear the virtual instruction.

3. If parental or other third-party involvement in virtual instruction is necessary to enable a student to participate, the individual assisting the student shall not re-disclose any personally identifiable information about any student involved in the virtual instruction. 

4.  Any and all content conveyed via virtual instruction is for educational purposes and shall not be used for any other purpose.  

5.  The District’s Acceptable Use Policy shall apply to student use of District technology.  District video recordings are property of the District.  

6.  Any student participating in Synchronous Instruction must abide by the District’s Code of Conduct and may be held accountable for violations of the code of conduct while participating in the livestream.